Design Blog
Tips, tutorials and design trends.
If you’re looking for some info on our branding process, or what to expect when updating your own custom WordPress website, or just some basic technical info, we’ve put some of the most frequently asked questions below. For more in-depth and specific info, or to set up a free consultation, get in touch through our contact form. Many clients who have already had us create a customized brand and website for them will find these tutorials helpful as they’re settling into their new site, and want to take care of certain updates and maintenance themselves. Please reach out if there’s a question here that isn’t covered below.
No Squares Allowed
You’ve probably noticed (or maybe you haven’t) that Instagram has changed their format of the square 1:1 ratio, 1080 x 1080 pixel photo grid to 4:5 ratio, 1080 x 1350 pixel rectangles. The change can be seen on your main feed and your profile on the app so far, but on desktop, my profile still shows squares, for now. The format is taller and better aligned for mobile devices, and matches the sizing of reels and stories. Many people are very angry that their carefully cropped and perfected square grid doesn’t fit the new dimensions. It also messes with my OCD to now have a blank space to the top and bottom of some of my posts to make them conform to the new grid. But to be honest, I was never crazy about the mandatory chopping of my posts into squares, and posts were one size, stories another, just one of many things about Instagram that bugged me. read more…
Minimalism to the max
The other night, I was having dinner with my aunt and a few cousins at my mom’s house. Afterwards, we were looking for a movie to watch and as my mom was scrolling, she said “How about Basic Instinct?” I said, “Are you sure?” She thought it was the one with the rabbit, but we all watched it anyway, and we got past the racy scenes by joking through them. One thing that I really noticed though, is that all of Sharon Stone’s clothing was the “quiet luxury” trend that’s been everywhere for the past few years. Except that they didn’t really call it that in 1992. I think maybe they just called it minimalism. read more…
What will we discuss during the initial consulatation?
If you are interested in our branding or website design services, please fill out the form to give us a bit of background information about your project. After we review the preliminary details, we will ask you to schedule a 30 minute phone call with us where we can answer any questions that you have to help you to make your decision. Many clients come to us without much knowledge or ever having worked with a designer or developer before, and we are happy to walk you through the process and to show different examples and offer options. read more…
Should I add Biondo Studio to my 2-factor authentication?
Of course we’re all very familiar with 2-factor authentication and the need to put it on all of our accounts, from banking to shopping, to your website hosting or domain name accounts. We highly encourage everyone to do so to keep things safe and secure. However, it does add another level of difficulty to our jobs, and we are now making it mandatory that we are put on as an admin on every account we’re working with. read more…
What is the design process for branding or a website?
This is one of the main things discussed in the initial consultation and we talk about the details in order to get a clear picture of exactly what you want and would like to convey before an estimate is written up. Most custom brand creation and the building of the website takes an average of 4 to 6 weeks.
How much does branding or a website cost?
The price varies depending on the project size and scope of what is needed. Some clients may need branding only, which includes the logo, and overall look and style guide for the business, starting at $1500. Others may need website design and development, which averages around $2000 and may go down or up, depending on what additional features or content will need to be built into it. Our prices are reasonable no matter what the project size and many people find custom branding and design to be a very worthwhile investment for the professionalism of their business.
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How do I update my WordPress site once it’s completed?
Once your WordPress site is completed, you have the freedom to update your site yourself, if you would like to. If the home page is animated or highly customized you probably wouldn’t be able to update it yourself without our assistance, but you will be able to log in and add content to the pages or add blog posts and share them on social media yourself. For those that are comfortable with technology, you may find that the website builder that we use is very user friendly. read more…
How do I do general maintenance on my website myself?
Once your site is created, it’s really important to keep your WordPress software, theme, and plugins up to date. It’s very easy and should only take a few minutes, but by doing so, it improves speed and performance of your website and also assists with security and preventing hackers from easily finding your site through outdated software. There are a few different ways to do this, one being through the WordPress Installatron or Softaculous inside of your hosting account, and the other is right in the WordPress dashboard. In either case, there will be very clear notifications that updates are available. read more…
What is branding and why is it important?
A DIY website is a good option when getting your business started, but at another level, you want to be instantly recognizable within your industry and a professional and consistent brand greatly increases your credibility. We create customized branding and matching websites, social media and printed materials that gives a cohesive look to your business, and an extension of yourself. When we begin working with each person, we want to make sure that we understand who they are and what will work for them long term. read more…
Updating the video player on your website
Many clients have a video players on their site, and it’s a great way to have user engagement and show your work in various mediums. We have three main types of video players that we install, with two being super-easy to use, and the other being pretty easy to use with a bit of practice. Don’t forget, we’re here for updates and maintenance if you ever get stuck, but it’s always nice to have some control of adding content to your own website. read more…
Do you have a website maintenance plan and what does it include?
Yes we do! Keeping your WordPress site’s main software and theme updated regularly can help to protect against malware & viruses, plugin conflicts, outdated php, and other fun things that the average person does not need to think about. When a website is completed, we send the login information to each client and encourage them to maintain the site themselves, but for those that would rather not, we’re happy to take care of these needs for you. read more…
What technical items do I need for my website?
There are a wide variety of products available for your website and many different companies to choose from. We don’t necessarily make clients move if they’re satisfied with the company already in place for their website hosting and domain registration, and if the products are up to date. And, we can still guide you though the basics so that you purchase only what you need and at a reasonable price. Just keep in mind that it’s usually much easier and you’ll have less tech issues if you stick with one company for all of your technical needs. read more…
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