Paying attention to routine maintenance on your site is very important, and so is letting us know about any odd things about your website or weird emails. WordPress websites, and especially those with blogs, can sometimes be targeted by hackers or malware, who are looking for out of date technology. It’s important to keep your WordPress software and plugins updated so that your site can benefit from the latest security updates.
If you’re unsure of how to do this, feel free to ask us and we will tune-up your site with all of the latest software versions. We also have a maintenance plan available if you’d like for us to automatically look through your site and keep it in order on a regular monthly basis. Otherwise, we will update the software, theme and plugins whenever we’re asked to make other changes to your website. Adding 2-factor authentication to your web hosting account is necessary these days as well.
It’s also important to change your password to something complicated and difficult. You can have WordPress generate one for you automatically by going into the “users” section in the sidebar and then over to “your profile” and then at the bottom of the page hit “generate password.” Please don’t lose your password, and you can also give us a copy for safe-keeping if you’d like. Another tool that can be used it to pay a nominal monthly fee to your hosting company for basic website security, if the company has it available.
If all else fails and you do get hacked, all is not lost. We do sell a very reasonably priced malware scanner and remover over at This product can remove malware from your site, clean your server of infected files, and then protect your site for the next year or more from future attacks. If this happens, we will guide you through the best course of action to get the problem resolved as quickly and inexpensively as possible.