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What will we discuss during the initial consulatation?

biondo studio, biondo studios, brand intensive, branding, communication, content, costs, process, working

Biondo Studio. What will we discuss during the initial consulatation?

Anyone who contacts us and is interested in our services, can schedule a 30 minute phone call with us where we can answer any questions that you may have for you to base your decision on for your website. Many clients come to us without much knowledge or ever having a website before, and we are happy to walk you through the process and show different example and options. We also like to ask questions during the consultation, and the conversation covers 3 main categories:

1. Design and branding: what you’d like the overall look and style to be, type of business, target audience, website, social media, printed materials, and maybe color scheme and preferred font styles. Sometimes an illustration is needed, or many times the design will be based on a photograph (either a stock photo or a customized photo shoot.) Extras such as mobile-friendly animation can be factored in, as well as other specific design requests.

2. Website content: we go over what pages will be part of the website, and what would be on each page. Special pages or sections needed, such as blogs, or mailing list forms, or image slideshows or galleries. The total number of pages and content is factored into the time it will take to build the website.

3.  Technical info: things such as domain name, website hosting, SSL certificates, etc. If you’re already with another company, we’ll ask for your account info and we’ll look into how those things are configured and plan to stay with things as they are, or perhaps offer another solution if we think that it would work out better for you. Clients who have never had a site before usually are starting fresh.

After we collect all of this info, we’ll write up an accurate estimate for your project and send it along with a simple contract. We’ll factor in your deadline as well as the design complexity and size of the website and let you make your decision from there.

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How much does a website or other project cost?

Biondo Studio. How much does a website or other project cost?

The price varies depending on the project size and scope of what you need. Some clients may need just a very basic site, so those would be priced lower, starting at $1500.00, and go up depending on what other additional features or content that will be built. Our prices are reasonable no matter what the project size and many people find custom branding and design to be a very worthwhile investment.
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