How do I submit the content that will be on the website?

You don’t need to be extremely tech savvy to collaborate on a website design, but good communication, keeping your info and materials organized, and the ability to submit materials is necessary. Having your content completely edited and finalized before you submit it to be put into the website is very important. Sending of content piecemeal is not recommended and could delay the project or incur extra costs, so it will save everyone time if it’s collected first, and then given to us as each page’s content is checked over and completed.

The content should be organized into ONE main folder with your name and uploaded to a file sharing site such as Hightail, WeTransfer, Dropbox or Google Drive, etc. Within that named main folder, sub-folders can be created there, one for each page or section, and then the entire main folder shared with us from there once all of the info is complete. Having everything submitted at one time keeps all of your content together and allows us to see everything clearly and avoid delays.

Audio: Audio files are best in MP3 format and submitted as outlined above. WAV files are higher quality but are generally too large for streaming from a website.

Video: MP4 files or MOV format are the standard for video across different platforms. Most of our current video players work best if your videos are uploaded to a video streaming site like YouTube or Vimeo, rather than submit videos directly to us, it’s best to upload them to your account in YouTube or Vimeo and then send us the links to work with from there. That way, the server at YouTube or Vimeo has the weight of streaming the videos rather than your website, yet we can still access them into the player that will be streaming them into your site.

Text info: Text info should be submitted in digital format such as a Microsoft Word, (.doc) rich text format (.rtf) or via email.

Photos: Sending a photo or two by email is fine. However, if there is a collection, photographs should be submitted in a shared folder in full sized high resolution (300 dpi) files, in any of the following formats: JPG, PSD, PDF, TIFF, EPS, PNG and labeled accordingly and without special characters.

Vector artwork: If you already have a logo or artwork that you would like to have incorporated into the project. An original vector file (AI, EPS, PNG) should be submitted to get the best quality image.

Other: Typing and editing of text that can’t be copied and pasted, scanning of images, duplicating of online videos, and photo editing can be provided by us at an additional cost if needed.

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