Which software do you work with?

There are many different website builders out there, not to mention even in WordPress itself there are countless themes available. All of our sites are created with WordPress.ORG software, which is highly customizable, mobile-friendly, and allows clients to update and maintain most of the site themselves with some simple instructions. WordPress is more in-depth than a simple blogging platform because it can accommodate an entire site on your own server, including one blog page and countless plugins for different effects and features. The version of WordPress that we use is quite a bit different than the free setup of WordPress.COM software, even if the dashboard looks similar. Confusing, I know!

WordPress sites have come a long way from having a standard look and many times you can’t even tell that you’re looking at a WordPress site anymore. We use the Divi theme for all of our current sites, which build the pages using a system of modules. They are a well-known theme, that is constantly making improvements in terms of speed and functionality. It gives us a lot of flexibility as far as laying out the design and making it look and function well on all devices sizes, and it’s easier for our clients to maintain once we’re done building it. This is a good option for people looking for a basic content management system, having more control over the design options and hosting on their own server. Often times, the blog page is used for blogging but some people use the post format for other things, like sharing news and events, or the latest projects that a client has worked on. It’s an easy-to-update way to post information and share the blog posts across social media, generating cross-traffic between your social media accounts and your website.

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