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What is GDPR compliance?

biondo studio, biondo studios, privacy, security, tech info

Biondo Studio. What is GDPR compliance?

You may or may not have heard of the GDPR compliance which went into effect on May 25, 2018. In order to cover all bases and make sure that you are being clear with your visitors about what data that you’ll be collecting from them and how it will be used, we will add a privacy policy to your site along with disclaimers near contact forms and blog comment fields making your site as close to being GDPR compliant as possible.

As every site is different and has different needs, we’d be happy to give you an estimate with regard to putting these features in place. Brand new sites that we are creating will automatically have these features factored in.

Newsletter programs like Mailchimp and others do have the ability to update your sign-up forms to GDPR compliant as well. Forms that are embedded into your site’s page may need an additonal link to a privacy policy, as well as a disclaimer as to what you’d be using the information for. Also, it may not be a bad idea when sending out your next newsletter to remind your subscribers that they are able to unsubscribe at any time. This is usually added automatically by the mailing list service that you use.

These new regulations between companies and consumer information are going to be an ongoing and probably changing process that i’m sure will get much easier and routine once all of the tools are in place. Ask us if you have any questions about your site’s compliance with the GDPR regulations.

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