web analytics


How can I re-connect my Instagram feed to my site?

Biondo Studio. How can I re-connect my Instagram feed to my site?

More and more clients are requesting that social media feeds be embedded into their website. The most common is Instagram, but Twitter and Facebook and a few others can be embedded also. This is not difficult to do, and we usually have our own Instagram account embedded into the website as an example, until it’s time to launch the website.

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How can social media help my website?

Biondo Studio. How can social media help my website?

We recommend setting up accounts at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Linkedin to help to promote yourself and your work. Which accounts you decide to set up purely depends on you, your needs, and your audience. We can create matching social media banners for you to use for a cohesive branded look. Social media links can be added to your website and will help your visitors to keep up with you and create a flow of traffic between your website and your social media updates. More and more clients have social media feeds (particularly Instagram) embedded right into their website. read more…

