web analytics


Do you provide website updates if needed?

Biondo Studio. Do you provide website updates if needed?

We are available to update sites that are created here at our studio for a $100.00 hourly rate, billed in 15 minute increments. Usually updates are made within 2 weeks of requesting them, but if it’s during the holiday season, please allow 3 to 4 weeks. as it’s an extremely busy time. Tight deadlines or short notice updates can be performed with an additional rush fee. read more…

Why isn’t my Flash animation or website coming up anymore?

Biondo Studio. Why isn’t my flash animation or website coming up anymore?

Believe it or not, we still receive this question. If you have an older website that was created in Flash, you might be noticing that your default non-Flash page (index2.html will usually show up in the URL of a Flash site that we’ve designed) is showing up in place of your full Flash home page or site. We are no longer technically able to update Flash websites in any capacity.

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